OKT – Open Knowledge Technologies s.r.l.
Open Knowledge Technologies was established in 2010 inside the Technology Pole of the campus of University of Calabria. OKT has specialized expertise in different areas: management of databases in applications on the Web, data mining and data analysis, cloud computing, open data and linked open data, platforms big data, techniques for analysis, modeling and simulation of systems, and OLAP and business intelligence.
Eco4Cloud s.r.l.
Spin-off founded in 2011 together with the University of Calabria. The company has researched/developed/engineered an innovative and very effective solution to optimize the consolidation of virtual machines and cut up to 60% the energy bill of highly virtualized/large scale data centers. E4C product is a Virtualization Infrastructure Management commercial software which is installed and run within virtualized data centers. It is based on an innovative bio-inspired probabilistic algorithm which consolidates the maximum number of virtual machines on the minimum number of physical servers in a data center, enabling the switch off/hibernation of those freed-up, making them dynamically available as additional capacity for incremental workloads.
Founded in 2011, Altilia transforms ‘Big Data’ into ‘Smart Data’ by Mantra Smart Data Management Platform. Mantra enables the design of “big data contextual processing workflows” that combines semantic structures and information flow with deep context to transform disparate unstructured heterogeneous data into actionable relevant smart data. In April 2013, the firm has been ranked as one of the eight most Innovative Data Management Companies & Solutions at Enterprise Data World in San Diego, CA.