The research project aims at the development of a SaaS (Software as a Service) that, through a web application, makes accessible data and information on tourism, coming from heterogeneous sources and useful to measure recent trends, make projections and forecasts on the various phenomena of the tourism sector. The research and experimental development activities are aimed at the construction of a prototype of data hub able to integrate data in open and linked-open format, provided by the world of official and non official statistics, with data from new information sources related to the data revolution (e.g. specialized blogs, scientific articles, websites, social networks). All these sources individually offer partial information, but if properly combined and integrated can really offer an “enrichment” to accompany users in the decision-making process. The objective pursued is to support and improve tourism actions through an analysis of data related to consumer behavior in order to mobilize the necessary resources to meet their needs and desires.
The research and experimental development activities aim to build a prototype of data hub able to integrate data in open and linked-open format, provided by the world of official statistics and not, with data from new information sources related to the data revolution (eg specialized blogs, scientific articles, websites, social networks). Potential users of the platform are policy makers, operators in the sector, tourists or all the players in the tourism ecosystem interested in the theme of participatory tourism and smart tourism destinations.
Partner: Wish srls (Proponente), IRiSS-CNR, ICAR CNR e Laboratorio di Documentazione dell’Università della Calabria
ICAR cost: 75.000 Euro
CAR funding: 75.000 Euro
Funding: Programma Operativo FESR Campania 2014-2020 – Asse Prioritario 1 “Ricerca e Innovazione”
Application scope: Beni Culturali
Start Date 27 november 2018
End Date 28 september 2020