The project aims to lay the foundations for the construction of the Urban Archaeological Park of the City of Naples by defining its initial location in the archaeological site of Piazza Municipio. The Project constitutes the redefinition of PON03PE_00164 called RIPA on the basis of the need to give it full and adequate correspondence with the indications defined in the RIS3 of the Campania Region and to identify a precise and well-focused objective demonstrating the effective capabilities of the technological platform developed by the DATABENC District. The project unfolds according to 3 interconnected lines of action: i) analysis of the archaeological-monumental and environmental heritage functional for the creation of the Integrated Knowledge System within the CHIS platform; ii) 2. creation of a monitoring network for the archaeological and historical-monumental risk and the impact of tourist flows; iii) 3. creation of tools for a social and sustainable use in augmented and virtual reality.
Funding: POR Campania FESR 2014/2020, Asse I – Obiettivo Specifico 1.2 – Azione 1.2.2. Avviso “Distretti ad alta tecnologia, aggregazioni e laboratori pubblico privati per il rafforzamento del potenziale scientifico e tecnologico della Regione Campania”
Project Cost: € 5.592.568,75 – Project Funding: € 4.257.115,01
ICAR Cost: € 175.000 – ICAR Funding: € 140.000
Duration: 01/09/2018 – 31/08/2021
Application scope: Patrimonio culturale
Partner: Apoikia s.r.l., Cima srl, Consorzio Tebe, Ganosis, Gruppo Energent, Italdata SpA, Research consorzio stabile scarl, Scabec spa, Spinvector, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Università degli Studi di napoli Parthenope.