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Capture Doc

Capture Doc

Capture Doc: POR FESR CALABRIA 2007-2013. YEAR 2014 The main objective of the project "Capture…

INSYEME, INtegrated SYstem For EMErgency

INSYEME, INtegrated SYstem for EMErgency

INSYEME, INtegrated SYstem for EMErgency YEAR 2014 The Insyeme project aims to study and experiment…

PON R&C 2007-2013 Progetto SINTESYS Security And INTElligence SYSstem

PON R&C 2007-2013 Progetto SINTESYS Security and INTElligence SYSstem

General objective The SINTESYS project addresses the problem of homeland security according to an integrated…

POR Innovative Document Sharing

POR Innovative Document Sharing

POR Innovative Document Sharing POR FESR 2007/2014 Nel progetto Innovative Document Sharing, la proposta che…

FSE3: Evolution And Technological Interoperability Of The Electronic Health Record

FSE3: Evolution and technological interoperability of the Electronic Health Record

The project has allowed to consolidate and evolve the results obtained in previous projects, within which the architectural model of a technological infrastructure of the Electronic Health Record (EHR), called InFSE.
FSE2: Operational Infrastructure To Support The Interoperability Of Territorial Electronic Health Record Solutions In The Context Of The Public Connectivity System

FSE2: Operational infrastructure to support the interoperability of territorial Electronic Health Record solutions in the context of the Public Connectivity System

The project aimed to develop a suite of software components of the InFSE infrastructure, whose architectural model was designed in a previous project.


The system was able to constantly monitor patients’ health condition through sensors integrated in a T-shirt or scattered in the living environment and through ad-hoc questionnaires on symptoms and lifestyle displayed on a smart device.
FSE1: Technological Infrastructure Of The Electronic Health Record And Networked Health

FSE1: Technological infrastructure of the Electronic Health Record and Networked health

The guidelines, approved by the Electronic Health Table of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces (TSE), define an architectural model for the collection of health information within the EHR, with the aim of ensuring an effective integration between the EHR platforms.
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