FSE6: Realization of services and tools for Public Administrations for the implementation of the Electronic Health Record
The main objective of the project is the refinement of the interoperability rules of the Electronic Health Record (EHR).
The ALPHA project aims to develop a new, intelligent, situation-aware system able to collect, process and store information about abnormal behaviors performed by the AD patient.
Maginot – Sistema Integrato per il Monitoraggio e la Tutela dell’Ambiente Urbano, Extraurbano e Marino
The aim of the project is to develop a complex environmental monitoring system able to put together, in a single product, a series of subsystems tailored to settle the needs of individual problems.
FSE5: Realization of national infrastructure services for Electronic Health Record interoperability
The objective of the project was the realization of a set of services of the national infrastructure for interoperability for the Electronic Health Record (EHR).
SNECS was aimed at collecting and transmitting the contents of scientific knowledge of the artistic, archaeological, literary and historical-philosophical nature of the Campania region.
The SmartCARE project designed an ICT platform of advanced e-health services, which allow to physicians and patients to meet and manage daily activities in a collaborative way, enabling an optimization of healthcare rehabilitation at home within a therapeutic process.
The project aimed to design and implement a software ecosystem consisting of models, services, and tools for the implementation of applications to support diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up, as well as for the innovative management of health processes.
BA2Know - Business Analytics to Know: Creazione di nuovi Distretti e/o Aggregazioni Pubblico Private" Progetto…
Easy Catalogue
Easy Catalogue: POR FESR CALABRIA 2007-2013. YEAR 2015 The main objective of the project "Easy Cat"…