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Involved Laboratories:

Cognitive Systems;

Selected Publications:

M. T. Chiaravalloti, M. Ciampi, E. Pasceri, M. Sicuranza, G. De Pietro, and R. Guarasci, “A model for realizing interoperable EHR systems in Italy”, in IHIC 2015: Proceedings of the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, pp. 13-22, 2015

FSE4: Interventions To Support The Realization Of The Electronic Health Record

FSE4: Interventi a supporto della realizzazione del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico.

START DATE April 2014
END DATE September 2015


The project was the subject of an agreement between the Agency for Digital Italy of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Department of Engineering, ICT and Technology for Energy and Transport of the CNR. The CNR Institutes involved were ICAR – Naples Branch and IIT – Rende Branch. The main objective of the project was the elaboration of reference guidelines in order to support the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces in the preparation of the regional project plans on the realization of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) within the time established by art. 12 of the D.L. 179/2012, converted into Law 221/2012, and revised by the D.L. 69/2013, converted in turn into Law 98/2013. In this regard, a Technical Table was set up, coordinated by the Agency for Digital Italy and the Ministry of Health with the technical support of the CNR, which involved representatives of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Interregional Center for Information Systems, Geography and Statistics, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Particular emphasis was placed on syntactic and semantic interoperability of regional EHR systems, in order to promote the harmonious development of different solutions. In particular, the Annex A of the guidelines contains the technical guide that provides the main technical aspects for the preparation of the regional project plans for the development of the EHR systems, as regulated by the implementing DPCM 178/2015. With great detail, the guide illustrates the reference models to be respected in the implementation of the regional EHR systems, with particular reference to the functional model of the EHR, to the management of consent and privacy, to the architectural model, to the services for allowing the patient to access the EHR, to the services for the connection and enabling to the EHR by General Practitioners and Free Pediatricians and health facilities, to the services to support the interoperability of the EHR, to the services for the management of laboratory reports and of patient summary, to the conservation of IT documents. After the approval of the guidelines, another result achieved concerned the elaboration, by the Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto Regions and ICAR-CNR, with the patronage of the Agency for Digital Italy, of a first version of the technical specifications for interoperability between the regional EHR systems, in compliance with the DPCM 178/2015 and the main international standards of medical informatics. Finally, further activities concerned the support provided to the Agency for Digital Italy for the evaluation of the regional project plans presented by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and for the start of the monitoring phase of the EHR solutions implemented.

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