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CTEMT – House Of Emerging Technologies Of Matera

The project, coordinated by the CNR Department of Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport, aims to create a ‘Digital Twin’ of a large geographical area of the city of Matera, developing a virtual copy of the city’s systems , its processes and their interactions for urban management. The project aims at the development of hardware and software technologies to be tested in the context of the city, developing sensors and innovative approaches that will be tested directly in the urban context. ICAR aims to design and develop the data platform, with the aim of securely representing the large amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that will be acquired by existing sensors and databases, as well as making it available to authorized actors through effective and efficient search functions.

Funding Scheme: Accordo con il Comune di Matera nell’ambito di un Bando del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Partner: National Research Council, Polytechnic of Bari, University of Basilicata
Application Area: Urban Intelligence

Total Grant: € 6.448.424,07

ICAR GRANT: 336.363,64

Start Date: July 2020

End Date: April 30th 2025

Application area: Urban Intelligence

Project website:

Signature of the agreement

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