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ATLANTE – Outdoor Air And Health: An Integrated Atlas To Support Decisions And Research

The collaboration on the project is aimed at providing innovative industrial research solutions regarding the creation of an IT platform capable of managing the data that will be processed in the project. ATLANTE aims to build a territorial atlas on air quality and health outcomes, as a tool to support governance: a system capable of coordinating the generation, processing, interpretation and use of available data. This system will have to guarantee, in relation to the definition of the objectives of the atlas, the participation of decision-makers and citizens with structured consultation methods. Research and development of the monitoring of non-conventional pollutants, as well as unconsolidated health outcomes and interactions with elements of clinical fragility and social vulnerability will be activated. Some case studies in limited highly critical areas will be paradigmatic examples and tests of the system. Training and communication will be activated across the board for the operators involved, interlocutors and citizens. The ultimate goal is to make available the ability to assess the impact of air pollution on health to inform decision-making processes.


Public notice for the presentation and selection of applied research projects "Health – Environment – Biodiversity – Climate" – PNC – Investment 1.4: Promotion and financing of applied research with multidisciplinary approaches in specific areas of intervention Health-environment-biodiversity-climate, Ministry of Health, Subcontractor of CNR-IFT.

Geographic scope: National

Start date: 29 September 2023

End date: 31 December 2026


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