AMICO: Automazione e Monitoraggio Intelligente dei Consumi.
START DATE January 2014
END DATE October 2015
The AMICO project, whose value was around € 7 million, was a part of the 2015 Industry program, call titled New technologies for Made in Italy, and it was financed under the PON R&C 2007/2013 Action Line 1 Action 1 ” Industrial innovation projects and relevant measures”. The aim of the AMICO project was to develop a technological platform to support decisions regarding the use of energy and the safety of the “ship system” during navigation, in maneuver and in port. The project activities have resulted in the creation of a set of decision support systems (DSSs), each of them dedicated to offer support in the management of a particular need of the “ship system”, such as the acquisition and monitoring of vital parameters of the ship, the qualitative and integrated analysis of the monitored parameters, the management of emergency conditions, and the assessment of energy consumption on board for the ship. These DSSs have been integrated into a common technological platform based on Situation-Awareness paradigms, aimed at evaluating the feasibility of the activities in progress and the achievement of the assigned objectives, taking into account the current operating situation.