Prof. Gori works mostly in machine learning and on its connections with reasoning, and optimisation. On this topic, he has recently published the monograph “Machine Learning: A constraint-based approach,” (MK, 560 pp., 2018), which contains a unified view of his approach.
His pioneering role in neural networks has been emerging especially from the recent interest in Graph Neural Networks, that he contributed to introducing in the seminal paper “Graph Neural Networks,” IEEE-TNN, 2009.
He was the leader of the WebCrow project for automatic solving of crosswords, that outperformed human competitors at ECAI-06. As a follow up, he co-founded Questit, a company working on conversational agents. Prof. Gori has been the chair of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE Computation Intelligence Society and the President of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. He is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of EurAI, and a Fellow of IAPR. He was one of the first people involved in CLAIRE, and he is currently a Fellow of ELLIS. He is in the scientific committee of ICAR-CNR. He has been recently invited by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche of France to be a member of the pool of experts for the French national research plan on AI.