Main research interests:
- Machine intelligence models and algorithms. This activity aims to design interpretable approaches and methodologies for optimizing and automating processes, extracting and classifying data, detecting, analyzing and predicting trends/patterns and enhancing interaction humans/environment, through safer, fairer, and more readable models and algorithms, such as for example, decision trees, decision rules and linear regression;
- Security intelligence techniques. The objective is to conceive and develop intelligent methodologies and techniques to deal with security and privacy issues through trustworthy and interpretable approaches. The use of technologies such as cyber-physical security (Physical Unclonable Functions) and Blockchain/DLT, is also an important side of this activity;
- Green and sustainable development in Smart Environments, also assuring that the methodologies and the algorithms adopted are behaving responsibly and trustworthy, is the aim of this activity.
Application Fields
Cybersecurity, Healthcare, Industry 4.0