The research activities concern the definition of models and methods for the optimization of complex systems even in conditions of uncertainty and in multi-objective contexts. In particular, decision-making problems are addressed using operational research techniques.
The addressed problems belong to the class of routing, scheduling, and covering problems. The research activities mainly focus on logistics, transportation, and telecommunications fields. The related problems are addressed by considering new technologies such as, drones and autonomous vehicles, and new paradigms such as sharing economy and crowd-sourcing with particular attention to energy issues.
The decision problems are modelled as linear, integer, mixed integer mathematical programming and through paradigms of dynamic programming. These tools allow a formal study of the decision problem and the definition of the related theoretical properties.
The research activities concern both the definition of optimal resolution strategies, based on decomposition methods and dynamic programming, and the development of heuristics and metaheuristics approaches including VNS, ILS, multi-start heuristics, and neurodynamic programming approaches such as Rollout. Decision problems with uncertain data are addressed via robust and stochastic optimization techniques.