In today’s world there are complex and increasingly difficult challenges in various application fields, represented by problems in which it is necessary to optimize large sets of parameters, understand phenomena and extract knowledge from data, predict the future trend of phenomena or magnitudes. The demand for solutions to these kinds of problems is constantly increasing and will continue to do so, as it happens with their difficulty.
The new Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques and methodologies allow obtaining solutions to solve complex problems that cannot be faced with traditional hard computing methodologies.
The Computational Intelligence laboratory is located in Naples, its goal is to broaden the knowledge in the field of Computational Intelligence methodologies, with particular reference to Evolutionary Algorithms, Swarm Intelligence, and Artificial Neural Networks.

Examples of 3D reconstruction.
The creation of new Computational Intelligence models and techniques, as well as the improvement of the existing ones, represent an extremely relevant research aspect for the entire scientific community. Moreover, these models are often applied to many problems in which finding in real time or “quasi-real” time a solution with satisfactory quality is crucial. In this regard, the profound knowledge gained by CILab researchers in parallel computing paradigms and in the use of powerful parallel computers is employed to optimize the use of computational resources and to speed up algorithms.
Examples of application areas addressed by CILAB researchers range from the extraction of explicit knowledge and the decision making in the medical field to the reconstruction of objects in 3D, from the optimal management of supercomputers to derive maximum benefit from their use to the prediction of the future trend of biomedical parameters, from robotics to video surveillance, up to the personalization of experiential itineraries for tourists in the ancient center of Naples through the app Gennarì.

Gennarì, the app to personalize your tours.
The laboratory also avails itself of the collaboration of researchers from leading universities and research institutions, both Italian and international.
This scientific research activity and the results obtained are disseminated through the main scientific journals of the sector and the participation in important international conferences.