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Research Activity

The activity of the CDS-group focuses on solving real problems with methodologies that include computational simulation, scientific modelling, analysis, processing and management of complex, heterogeneous and large data sets. These methodologies integrate high-performance computing and distributed computing, with skills from Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. At the same time, by appropriately integrating the CDS-group methodologies with the knowledge of different application domains, a new and more effective perspective is provided to the analysis of real problems and the interpretation of the results.
Research topics include:

  • Mathematical Programming and Machine Learning:
    – Development of new optimization techniques for non-differentiable problems.
    – Analysis of possible applications of non-linear optimization to machine learning problems.
    – Development of models for the optimization of processes and resources in corporate environments.
    – Development of methods based on weighted and weightless neural networks for the classification of numerical data and extraction of their characteristics.
    – Development of methods for classification and clustering of data in the form of networks.
  • Image analysis and processing: analysis, design and development of methods, algorithms and high-performance software for processing and quantitative analysis of images and image sequences:
    – Segmentation and 3D reconstruction (knee bones from MRI, proteins from fluorescence image stacks)
    – Detection, tracking, classification, tracking and recognition of moving objects in imagesequences (microscopy images)
  • Bioinformatics: development and implementation of methodologies for the integration of multi-omics and imaging data.



The solution of applied science problems and the analysis of systems characterized by increasing size and complexity require increasingly accurate, efficient and reliable computational simulations. The main objective of the CDS-group is the development of models, algorithms and software tools to discover, understand and model scientific phenomena through the analysis of data produced in experiments and tests and/or through the simulation of the processes that generate them. This allows us to face new multidisciplinary challenges in the field of ICT.


Application Fields

Logistics, Robotics, Video/image analysis and processing, Medicine, Biology.

  • National Research University Higher School of Economics (RU)
  • Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Università della Calabria
  • Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
  • Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
  • Università di Napoli “Federico II”
  • Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”
  • Università di Napoli Parthenope
  • Università “Magna Grecia” di Catanzaro
  • University of Florida, CAO (USA)


– CNRBiOmics, National Research Center in Bioinformatics for Omics Sciences,, PIR01_00017.

– “CNRBiOmics, National Research Center in Bioinformatics for Omics Sciences – Strengthening of human capital”, CIR01_00017.

– BiBiNet: Big Biocancer Networks – Analysis of biological networks for markers identification and active molecules repositioning,

– MATH4CHARM: A mathematical approach to inverse problems arising in cultural heritage preservation and dissemination,

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