International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, 6th Edition
The research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been based, from a historical standpoint, on a strong collaboration with Cognitive Science. This collaboration, has produced – along the years – mutual benefits. In AI this partnership has driven to the realization of intelligent systems based on plausible models of human cognition. In turn, in cognitive science, this partnership allowed the development of cognitive models and architectures providing greater understanding on human thinking.
In recent years, after a period of partial fragmentation of the research directions, the area of cognitively inspired artificial systems is progressively attracting a renewed attention both from academia and industry and the awareness about the need for additional research in this interdisciplinary field is gaining widespread acceptance.
AIC 2018 ( is the 6th appointment of the workshop series AIC (, started in 2013 and stemming from the need of creating an international scientific forum for the discussion and the presentation of the theoretical and applied research developments in the field of cognitively inspired Artificial Intelligence. The previous AIC workshops have been held in Turin (2013 to 2015 editions), New York (2016), Larnaca (2017).
*SPECIAL-TRACK*: AIC 2018 will host a special track on the theoretical and applicative perspectives of the framework of Conceptual Spaces (CS), as introduced by Peter Gärdenfors (2000). Such framework provides a geometric model for the representation of human conceptual knowledge that bridges the symbolic and the sub-conceptual levels of representation. The model has already proven to have a broad range of applicability, not only within cognitive science but also across a number of AI fields (e.g. Computer vision, Knowledge representation and Reasoning, Computational linguistics etc.).
As for the previous editions, the AIC 2018 workshop aims at putting together researchers coming from different domains (e.g., artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, engineering, philosophy, social sciences, etc.) working on the interdisciplinary field of cognitively inspired artificial systems.
Both papers spotlighting theoretical issues and experimental research in the field are welcome. The submission of papers regarding the presentation of realized or under-development cognitively inspired systems and/or applications is encouraged.
Please address questions regarding the workshop to the AIC 18 Organizing Committee