HL7 Italy is an association affiliated to HL7 International that aims at locating and promoting the use of the HL7 standard of medical informatics in Italy. ICAR, a member of HL7 Italy since 2008, has contributed in particular to the definition of implementation guides for the structuring of health documents according to the HL7 CDA Rel. 2.0 standard and the regional functional model of the Electronic Health Record.
The Commission is responsible for coordinating the work of UNINFO with the purpose of producing national rules in the field of ICT for health. ICAR has been a partner since 2014 and provides its support in the Working Group 01 “Architecture”.
The Association aims at promoting and disseminating experiences related to the application of ICT in the field of medicine and, more generally, health. ICAR, a member since 2012, actively participates in the national initiatives and conferences of @ITIM.