Antonio Pescapè is a Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Napoli Federico II. He is the Chancellor’s Delegate for Innovation and Third Mission, the Director of the DIGITA (Digital Transformation and Industry Innovation Academy), the Director of the ERMES Interdepartmental Centre, the Chancellor’s CRUI Delegate for Liason Office and Technological Transfer, and a member of the Ph.D. Board of the Doctoral Program in Information Technologies and Electrical Engineering.
Antonio is a Research Associate at the CNR (“Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche”) Institute for High-Performance Computing and Networks and an External Associate at the Verlab Research Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices, and Artificial Intelligence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is a member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Ampioraggio Foundation and the PICO Foundation of LegaCoop.
He has been the Chancellor’s Delegate for the GARR (“Gestione Ampliamento Rete Ricerca”) network, member of the CSI (“Centro di Ateneo per i Servizi Informativi”) Governing Board, and a member of the Spin-Off Committee of the University Federico II.
He is a reviewer and evaluator of research and development projects financed by several governments and national and international agencies (European Commission; “the CAIXA Foundation” (Spain); Sweden; Croatia; Austria; Calabria Region; Liguria Region; Basilicata Region; Lazio Region; Campania Region; Ministry of Education, University, and Research of Italian Government; EUROSTARS; Ministry of Economic Development of the Italian Government, Invitalia).
Antonio Pescapè’s teaching and research activities are focused on artificial intelligence, data networks and the Internet, and network security and management; in these research areas, he has co-authored more than 250 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings.
He is a columnist for several national newspapers, including “Il Corriere della Sera”, “La Repubblica”, and “Il Mattino”.
Pescapè is involved in the activities of the research group SELF-LEARNING AND SELF-ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS – SLSAS